Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Que pasa?

Before I get into this, I just wanted you to be aware that this is a much needed brief vent session...

So I was on the phone speaking with a great friend of mine a short while ago and we got on the tender topic of knowing when to throw in the towel on something or someone where no progress is taking place. After all, life is about progression... HELLO! I was so tickled by the thought because often times without realizing it we'll outstay our welcome at places we needed to vacate ions ago.. Why do we stay?? Is it the comfort of that kindred spirit, or maybe your hope that one day soon CHANGE will arrive and fix your doubts and mind discomfort..Ummmm, not so much because it's one very important thought that we must keep in the front of our brains..You can not build a house made of sand and expect it to withstand any and all elements. If your foundation isn't solid, your castle will surely fall.

That is why I hate sandcastles, the ish is temporary and promised to crumble before your eyes. No matter how much you try to plaster the walls with water to make it stronger, when it drys it'll slip through your fingers, please believe what I'm saying. I can't let my life slip away having faith in sandcastles that will never stand the test of time. This is why I'm preparing to build a loft with a concrete foundation to ensure the longevity of something I look forward to..Faith in mankind to give their best or nothing at all because quite frankly I'm tired of being disappointed after having great expectations. The recovery process is the pits and life is so much sweeter when you stick to focusing on being the best you possible.

I swear I'm done chatting for tonight but I needed to get that off my brain because I was becoming exhausted filtering the possibility of greatness showing up anytime soon. Patience definitely is a virtue and thank goodness I have some. AHHHHH!!! Okay I had to scream real quick:-) I feel much better, buenos noches.


  1. I can't let my life slip away having faith in sandcastles that will never stand the test of time.

    You betta speak metaphorically, friend! LOL I feel you on this whole post 100%, chica!

  2. "Why do we stay??"

    ...because we are not truly ready to leave.
